Tuesday, September 17, 2013

just please turn the lights out...

Earlier I posted this status on my Facebook-

"Wonder how many out there are counting down the minutes until the lights go out and you can lock the door and finally release the tears you have been holding back all day...

Been there...done that, A LOT!"

This is exactly why I was inspired to write "exhausted mom meets grieving mom," so I had to jump over to blog a bit more about it...

The days when people are surrounding you and things are happening and grief is knock, knock, knocking...all during the while you are trying to hold it together, you know, keep your composure...yep, that is the kind of day I am talking about!

I mean, really, if we just let everyone around have a "real look" at "grieving mom" and her moments, they would have a little freak out of their own...I suppose.

But we don't...we remain as calm as we can in the busyness of the day and then the meal is cooked, the house is clean, the kids are bathed and homework is complete...and there she is..."grieving mom"...it's her turn!

I mean, how many are screaming for the lights to go out yet so you can cry???  It's so sad!!!  I know how that feels and it is awful!  

I remember thinking again and again, "just please turn the lights out..."

The darkness of the night will bring sleep and rest for many, but for "grieving mom," the darkness and the silence will unlock the threshold of her tears, her heartache, her weary soul...

All night long, she gets the driver's seat...

She cries, she wonders, she prays, she screams, she suffers...

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